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Unrestricted Funds:

The St. Hilary Parish Foundation Unrestricted Endowment Fund supports the needs of St. Hilary School and Church.

  • Andy & Jackie Bettick Fund
  • Josepha Boeske Fund
  • Dorothy L. D’Andrea Fund
  • Dindo Family Fund
  • Delores Falcone Fund
  • Salma & Sam Gibara Fund
  • Nicholas Edward Kuchar Fund
  • Kyle Family Fund
  • Frederick M. & Margaret J. Lombardi Family Fund
  • Mark and Tina Oelschlager Fund
  • Root Family Fund
  • Matt & Sue Shannon Fund
  • Julia and Robert Stell Fund
  • Dr. Zouhair and Carol Yassine/Tony and Leila Vespoli Fund

St. Hilary School Unrestricted Funds:

The St. Hilary School Unrestricted Endowment Fund was established to support the capital and operating needs of the school as well as to support the students and educational staff of St. Hilary School. 

  • Alumni Fund
  • The Bryson Family Fund
  • Mary Jean Carroll Fund
  • Classic Sabers 50+ Fund
  • Teresa Ann Cole Fund
  • Delaney Family Fund
  • Donna Marie Incanno Fund
  • John D. & Joan M. Kramer Fund
  • Frederick M. & Margaret J. Lombardi Family Fund
  • Raymond J. & Peggy J. Pikna Family Fund
  • SHS Endowment Fund
  • Vastagh Family Fund
  • Westover Family Fund

Specified Parish Funds:

  • Mary and Charlie Booth Community Outreach Fund - supports community outreach
  • St. Hilary Choir Fund - supports the church choir
  • Cope Religious Education Fund - supports parishioners studying for the priesthood, religious life, or permanent deaconate
  • St. Hilary Designated Fund - holds funds designated for specific purposes
  • Evangelization Fund - supports evangelization activities, program costs and salaries, and program materials
  • Matthew and Denise Fresh Fund - supports parish music, RCIA, religious education, and hospitality
  • James and Gail Giltner Family Fund - supports the church capital and operating needs
  • Jean and Joseph Hauser Fund - supports church capital improvementsand
  • Heart of a Shepherd Fund - supports parishioners discerning priesthood, deaconate or religious life, and programming that promotes vocations
  • Herbert Family Fund - provides general support of Adult Education, particularly Bible Study, to help defray the cost of materials and other needs of the program
  • Hummel Family Fund - supports social outreach ministries including St. Vincent de Paul Society
  • Knights of Columbus General Fund - supports Knights of Columbus' charitable giving
  • Lehner Family Foundation St. Hilary Development Fund - supports St. Hilary Parish Foundation development efforts
  • Joseph and Cynthiea Locala Fund - provides general support for St. Hilary Church
  • Maryann May Adult Education Fund - supports adult education programs including Bible Study, RCIA, Catholicism 101, Journey Women, and Adult Retreats
  • PSR Fund - supports PSR program
  • St. Hilary Athletic Association General Fund - support parish athletics

Specified School Funds:

  • Buehrle Family Fund - to be used for special programs for the benefit of St. Hilary School students
  • Kay and Bob Hudak Fund - supports tuition, programming or other needs of St. Hilary School students with Autism or special needs
  • Rhonda Newbauer Family Fund - supports school operating needs, including salary, benefits and bonuses for educational staff and enrichment programs
  • St. Hilary Parents’ Association General Fund - supports the educational experience of the St. Hilary School students
  • SHS Enrichment Fund - supports the school enrichment program
  • SHS Principal's Fund
  • SHS Musical Theatre/Arts Fund - supports the school arts and musical theatre
  • St. Hilary Parents' Teacher Salary Fund - supports school educational staff
  • Vince Scarpitti Music Education Fund - supports non-routine school music activities such as field trips, guest musicians, or musical instruments

St. Hilary School Scholarship/Tuition Assistance Fund:

The Tuition Assistance / Scholarship Fund was established to provide tuition assistance and scholarships to students attending St. Hilary School.

Named St. Hilary School Tuition Assistance / Scholarship Funds:

  • Ralph and Florence Bernard Scholarship Fund
  • Coyle Family St. Hilary School Tuition Assistance Fund
  • Pianalto Family Fund
  • John and Julie Randall Fund

Specified St. Hilary School Scholarship Funds:

  • Ralph and Florence Bernard Scholarship Fund - based exclusively on financial need as substantiated by supplemental financial information
  • Kristina N. Buehrle Tuition Scholarship Fund - awarded to an incoming kindergarten or first grade student beginning education at St. Hilary School based on financial need of family; special consideration given to a family facing a life-altering circumstance; consideration also given to a family expressing a love of reading as part of the foundation of education and life-long success
  • Rev. Steven K. Brunovsky Catholic Leadership Fund - awarded to a student who demonstrates financial need as substantiated by supplemental financial information and exemplifies strong practice of the Catholic faith as demonstrated in essay(s) and input from school administration and teachers
  • Friend of St. Hilary Fund - awarded to a student based on the desire for a Catholic education as demonstrated in essay(s)
  • Edward L. Gilbert Family Scholarship Fund - to be used for school scholarships for needy African American students
  • Hogan Family Fund - awarded to a student living with siblings affected by special needs to help with tuition
  • Jane Klenotic Scholarship Fund - awarded to a qualifying second grade student to be used toward third grade tuition
  • Jimmy Lyons Geography Bee Scholarship Fund - one-year $500 scholarship toward school geography bee winner's tuition
  • Kevin Thomas Neff Scholarship Endowment Fund - given to a sixth or seventh grade student who is determined by spiritual, academic and social criteria as set forth by the Neff family
  • St. Hilary Athletic Association Scholarship Fund - provides two one-year $500 scholarships awarded to eighth grade student athletes and paid toward tuition at the Catholic high school they will be attending
  • St. Hilary Parents' Association Scholarship Fund - annually awards one of each scholarship below to a current St. Hilary School student
  1. Mother Teresa Scholarship: One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student who continually displays kindness and generosity, putting others' needs before his or her own and demonstrating empathy;
  2. Sr. Carol Joy Scholarship: One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student who demonstrates a strong desire to better him or herself educationally, striving to improve daily, setting goals not just for high marks but for learning and continually improving test scores;
  3. St. Aloysius Scholarship: One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student who displays his or her love for the Catholic faith and openly displays his or her love for God by demonstrating a loving attitude of grace and appropriateness;
  4. St. Hilary R.E.D. Scholarship: One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student who demonstrates continual RESPECT for faculty and fellow students, EXCELLENCE in academics, and DISCIPLINE when faced with rules and regulations; and
  5. Striving Saber Scholarship: One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student who demonstrates school price and positivity in all of his or her classes and serves as a motivator to others in school.
  • St. Hilary Knights Of Columbus Scholarship Fund - provides scholarships on an annual basis to St. Hilary School students based on charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, community service, and financial need
  • SHS Tuition Assistance / Scholarship Fund

St. Hilary School Technology Fund:

The St. Hilary School Technology Fund was established to support the technology needs of St. Hilary School.

Named St. Hilary School Technology Funds:

  • Louis and Linda Bologna Fund
  • Robert and Carol Schlabig Technology Fund
  • SHS Technology Fund